About Us

LiN.co.za is a Local Information Network website which is developed and maintained by SSD Internet Systems c.c..

Our Goal with this site is to offer our clients a twofold service.

  1. We host information about our clients in a database and create an affordable presence on the Internet where it counts, at the users.
  2. The service is free to the millions of travelers, businessmen and tourists, that have internet access, to search and locate a Bed & Breakfast in a particular area.

Our site offers users the ability to search for a place by the following criteria.

Provincial Map

To search by map just click on the province that you are interested in.

Province search

To search by province click the province drop-down box and select the province that you require. (When searching by province, a considerable amount of information is found. As the data is found it is sent in alphabetical order to the browser and could slow the response of your machine until the search is complete).

Region search

To search by region, click the region drop-down box and select the region that you require. The results are listed in alphabetical order.

Town search

To search by town enter the name of the town. It is important to spell the name correctly as this is an exact search.

Name Search

To search by name enter the name of the establishment or part of the name, to find a place by name. This is not an exact search and allows for you to enter the part of the name that you remember.


The fee for this online directory is R30 per month (all inclusive.).